FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Board Result Analysis

Board Result Analysis is a portal that will help you to perform board result analysis(Result with percentage, Overall result & Stream-wise overall result, Subjectwise Result, Section-wise Result, Teacherwise Result).
Each Reports contains parameters like Total students, Appeared Students, Pass Students, Pass%, Quality Index/Performance Index, 7 ranges of marks. Also Ranges of marks can be customized as per your need. Control to customize ranges is given in Portal.
It can also generates provisional cum character certificates for class XII & X.

This portal will be accessible only who are registered on this portal. Schools can login to their account using their login id and password which are choosen during resigtration. School data can be viewed after school login only. All Data is stored in encrypted form, Unauthorised Users would not be able to see any information.

No. There is no need to register again on Board Result Analysis. Exam Centre Management credentials will work on Board Result Analysis also. If you are registered any one module on this portal, you can use your credentials to login other modules.

CBSE School code is used as User ID for this portal.

Password will be the same which you have choosen during registration on this portal. Incase you forgot the password, you can reset it using reset passswod link given on Login Page.

These details are required for registration on portal.
-> CBSE School Code
-> Password (it can be choosen as per your choice)
-> School Name with Address
-> School ID / Centre No.
-> CBSE Incharge Name
-> Contact No.
-> Email

Kindly connect with Portal Adminstrator for User ID Activation. It will be activated in 15 minutes.
Here are contact details of Portal Adminstrator.
Call / Whatsapp @ 9627207215/8285615356, Email : support@cbsecentremanagement.in

Kindly use this link( https://cbsecentremanagement.in/forgot_password.php ) to reset your password.
Kindly connect with Portal Adminstrator for password reset request.Password will be reseted and will be sent over email/sms.
Here are contact details of Portal Adminstrator.
Call / Whatsapp @ 9627207215/8285615356, Email : support@cbsecentremanagement.in
CBSE Board Result

Here are two option given to upload CBSE Board Result. Choose any one option as per your convenience.
1. Upload result in Excel format.
2. Upload result in txt format (which is provided by cbse via email).
Uploading result in txt format is most convinent way to upload result. Go to CBSE Board Result -> Upload CBSE Board Result (txt format). This option will upload cbse board result as per selected class.

Go to CBSE Board Result -> View CBSE Board Result.
This option will show Board result for a selected class.
Students Details

Go to Student Details -> Upload student Details.
This option will upload student's details for selected class.

Go to Student's Details -> View Student's Details.
This option will show Student's details for a selected class.

Go to Student's Details -> upload Student's CBSE Roll No.
This option will upload Student's CBSE Roll No. List for a selected class.

Go to Student's Details -> View Student's CBSE Roll No. List.
This option will show Student's CBSE Roll No. List for a selected class.

Yes. All result analysis reports will be accessible. It is your choice.
If you don't want to upload these details keep these details blank in excel file.

These details are required only in generating provisional cum character certificates, As Certificates contains details of students name, mother name, father Name and DOB.

Yes. You can replace your Student ID with some other numbers or Serial Number like 1,2,3,4,5 ... etc.
Kindly make sure each student has unique Student Serail Number. It means any two students do not have same student Serial Number.
Teacher's Details

Go to Teacher's Details -> Upload Teacher's Details.
This option will upload Teacher's Details for selected class.

Go to Teacher's Details -> View Teacher's Details.
This option will show Teacher's Details for a selected class.
Result Analysis Reports

Board Result Analysis Portal generates various reports which are as follows:
- Result with Percentage
- Overall Result & Stream-wise Overall result
- Top 20 Students & Streamwise TOP 20 students
- Section wise overall Result
- Subject wise Result(Overall result, QI/PI,Ranges)
- Section wise Result(Overall result, QI/PI,Ranges)
- Teacher wise Result(Overall result, QI/PI,Ranges)
- Category wise Result(Overall result, QI/PI,Ranges)

In this report , Student's Result is shown with their marks percentage.
Marks percentage is being calculated based on main 5 subjects marks.

In this report , Total Students, Appeared Students, Pass, Fail, Compartment, Pass%, Quality Index/Performance Index , Ranges of Marks Percentage based on main 5 subjects.
For class XII, this reports contain Stream Wise Overall report also.

In this report , Top students of selected class can be viewed.
Option ( 3 to 20) is given to select top students you want to view.

Go to Manage Data -> Update Range.
This option will update ranges for your school. After changing range, you can view/download result analysis report with updated ranges.

In Each Report , their is an option Export to Excel shown in top right side.
Manage Data

Go to Manage Data -> Clean Result.
This option will delete selected class result from database.

Go to Manage Data -> Clean Student Details.
This option will delete selected class's Student Details from database.

Go to Manage Data -> Clean Student CBSE Roll No List.
This option will delete selected class's Student CBSE Roll No List from database.

Go to Manage Data -> Clean Teacher Details.
This option will delete selected class's Teacher Details from database.

Go to Manage Data -> Update Range.
This option will update ranges for your school. After changing ranges, you can view/download result analysis report with updated ranges.